Personal Vocal Profiling Through LifeSpirit

BioAcoustic Vocal Analysis
Personal Vocal Profile through LifeSpirit A simple half minute vocal sample, taken on your own computer and uploaded to us, will let Ms. Edwards' technology return a report to you relating frequencies in your voice with nutritional issues from the Sound Health data base.

LifeSpirit Center offers private Human BioAcoustics consulting, including a special summary Vocal Nutritional Analysis. To arrange for your personal voice analysis [from a vocal sample which can be done on your own computer and emailed to our analyst; response via emailed report regarding your nutritional status as encoded in your voice sample] please copy and paste the following questions into an email window and add your answers. We will contact you by return email to arrange for your personal analysis. The cost of this expressive association service is $60. This price is subject to change by notice on this page. A separate email should be submitted for each individual.

Personal Vocal Profiling Nutritional Analysis Questionnaire

1. Your name:

2. Your email:

3. Your age:

4. Your phone:

Please use "PVP Request" as the subject line of the email and send the email to

The suggested donation is payable through PayPal (you can use any debit or credit card) and you will receive a PayPal payment request email prior to your scheduled call from our analyst. The analyst will "walk you through" the process. Current waiting time is about one week from Request. We are available to discuss any questions you may have. You will need a fairly current computer, sound card and microphone.